Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Forgiveness In The Quran: A Path To Spiritual And Emotional Well-Being

Qudsia Firdous
Zahid Yasin
Dr. Souaad Muhammad Abbas
Dr. Abdul Razaq Khan
Dr Hafsa Bano
Keywords: Forgiveness in the Quran. Quranic teachings, divine attribute, self-improvement, psychological benefits.


Forgiveness is a virtue celebrated across religious traditions and has been shown to have numerous psychological and health benefits. This is the part of being human to make mistakes. These mistakes and errors are sometimes by intention and sometimes without deliberation and intention so he always in need of forgiveness.  As it is said “to err is human and to forgive is divine”. Forgiveness, tolerance and kindness hold a very special and prominent position in Islamic teachings and edifice. Al Afuw (The pardonar), Al-Ghafoor (The forgiving), Al Ghaffaar (The all forgiving) are three of Asma Al-Husna (The beautiful names of Allah). Thus, forgiving is an eternal attribute of Allah. Allah has decreed some religious duties on every Muslim. Performing these duties is greatly rewarded and regarded as atonement for a Muslim's sins and source of forgiveness. In the Islamic faith, forgiveness holds great significance and is encouraged as a means of self-purification, personal growth, and fostering strong relationships with both individuals and the Divine. This article explores the teachings of the Quran on forgiveness, highlighting the virtues associated with it and clarifying common misconceptions. It also delves into a significant event in the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companion Abu Bakr, showcasing the profound impact of forgiveness. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of forgiveness in seeking closeness to Allah and its role in nurturing a harmonious society.

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